Design Challenges

Design Setting

Aliens have stolen all our oil, civilization has been leveled back to the middle ages, and the fish have some things to say.

“I remember life before they came… Or at least I try to. I imagine what life was like in the Yesterworld: when we could hastily burn our fossil fuels without thinking about the repercussions: our atmosphere, our alien-affected sea life, or, most consequential, how it would attract life outside of this planet. I remember how everyone scrambled when they came, how we thought it was the end of the world, when the giant rift tore our land apart, how the oceans rose, or when the electricity finally gave out. Heh. It's funny thinking about life before the global goals; how individual everyone seemed. Now with the world torn apart, we are more united than ever, all with the same ideal of rebuilding our world better than it ever was.

However, we still have long ways to go; we have set up multiple advancements in different fields. Most significantly, we have to develop forms of renewable energy in a genuinely affordable manner without using fossil fuels. Our rebuilding of cities has turned out the most impressive, as now we keep everyone’s priorities in mind. Yet, land has been a more precious commodity since the oceans rose, so our infrastructure has to assess these issues properly. Probably most unique, however, come the challenges that we were exposed to since the alien technologies granted the fish human communication. We grew apparent of the severe harm we caused them throughout our industrialization, and with them speaking to us now, we can cater our developments to better help both lives on land and below it. It's easy to drift off to dreams about the Yesterworld, yet I believe that with the global goals in hand, it's easier to daydream about the future that we are building as an international fraternity. ”


Ilanus Maurerus. Circa 2053

A Diplomat’s Point of View About the World

Design Challenge

Aliens have taken all our fossil fuels! How can we revolutionize affordable and clean energy right now?

Design Challenge

The world needs to be rebuilt. How will we use our knowledge and start from scratch in a better way?

Design Challenge

Fish can talk and they are very angry at what we have done. How will we make amends to cohabitate with them?